Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fenwick United Church helps 65 children

Submitted by SCAW Volunteer, George Foster.

The youth group of Fenwick United Church raised $2300. (65 bedkits) with their Lenten projects this year.



Friday, June 10, 2011

Kenya: Trip reports posted

The donor newsletter for the Kenya bedkit distribution has gone to print and can be downloaded from the Sleeping Children Website.

Kenya 2011

Photos are available in the Kenya 2011 Photo Album. You can view them by clicking the link above.

If you would like to read the reports on the web, you can read them in their entirety here.

Here is a download link for the PDF version of the newsletter.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mid-Life Riders' Third ride for SCAW

Message received from Mervyn House, May 31, 2011


I am happy to report that Mid-Riders Online held its 3rd annual Motorcycle Ride For SCAW and riders collectively donated 8 more bedkits to this worthwhile cause.

We look forward to building upon this success for years to come. Keep up the wonderful work that you do.

Mervyn House
Mid-Life Riders Online