Saturday, November 15, 2008

Owen Sound Display for Sleeping Children

For the 15th year in a row, St. Thomas and St. George's Anglican Churches in Owen Sound have set up their display at the Heritage Mall to promote Sleeping Children Around the World and sell bedkits.

Looking after things on Friday morning were (back row, left to right) Tom Hart and Carl Dickey, (front row, l to r) Gail Willcock and Pat Dickey.

Helen Morrison of St. Thomas reports that 16 volunteers helped this year and collected 47 bedkit orders so far. Collection jars made enough for three more bedkits. The campaign is on until Christmas. Potential donors in Owen Sound can contact the churches for more information or a donation form.

If you're not in Owen Sound, you can always download a copy of the donation form from the Sleeping Children website at this link.