As published in Exchange, December 9, 2010
WATERLOO – Two Renison students have received the 2010 President’s Circle Award for Volunteerism. Laurie Guay and Julia Read were honoured at The President’s Circle Award Banquet in recognition of their volunteering experience and contributions to the University of Waterloo and other communities (both local and international).
Established in 1997, the President’s Circle Award honours 10 uWaterloo students annually for their extra-curricular contributions - 5 for leadership and 5 for volunteerism. Students are typically nominated by staff or faculty for their ongoing commitment to improve the quality of life for others.
Laurie, a fourth-year Social Development Studies student, traveled to Uganda this summer to distribute bed kits to children in need with the organization Sleeping Children Around the World. She was a Don at Renison in her third-year and is still actively involved with the Renison Institute of Ministry, welcoming students to the community. She also teaches Sunday School at South Kinloss’ Presbyterian Church. In June 2010, she was also awarded the Principal's Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Life at Renison.
For Laurie, volunteering is an opportunity for her to connect with others. “I like being able to be involved with other people and learning about their stories. I find that I learn way more and this makes me a better person.”
Julia, who is currently enrolled in Renison’s Bachelor of Social Work program, volunteers with children in First Nations communities, works as a community garden organizer, and sits on the Board of Directors for Stonehenge Therapeutic Community. She also volunteers at the Renison Institute of Ministry and is a member of the Renison Academic Student Council.
Julia’s inspiration for volunteering comes from her father who was involved with the Coast Guard and St. John’s Ambulance. “He taught me that life is about sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other.“
Renison’s principal Glenn Cartwright is proud of the impact Renison students are making in the community. “It is a remarkable achievement to develop well-rounded individuals with a deep concern for their community and an understanding of the pressing need to give back to society.“